I just received this email from Mr. Nicholas Vandermolen:
Get Ready,
Because it is time to draw.
With the recent release of Taco Bell Drawing club vol 2, TBDC has been on the rise.
From the recent facebook group to the new TBDC blog (http://drawingattacobell.blogspot.com/), TBDC is truly making waves.
Now, here in our town or ivory tower elite and Real World concumption, Famous New York Artist: Jason Polan's own Taco Bell Drawing Club is now in East Lansing.
Q: What is Taco Bell Drawing Club?
A: Dah, go to Taco Bell and Draw.
This is your change, your change, your chance, to be part of the majic.
This Friday, and every Friday, from 1-3 pm (tenitive) at the Grand River Taco Bell close to campus, TBDC.
Bring art supplies if you want, but i got markers, colored pencils, crayons, and paper.
Be there.
When: Every Friday
Where: 602 Grand River, East Lansing, MI
When: 1-3 PM
Nicholas Vandermolen is approaching Hall of Fame status with his membership to the club (only partially because of how he referred to me in his email!) If you are in the area, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, or Ohio, It will be worth your trip.