Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Taco Bell Drawing Club today, Wednesday, February 26, 2014, from 4:30 to 6pm at the Taco Bell just west of Union Square on 14th Street. There will also be a Taco Bell Drawing Club today at 1:30pm (California time) in Los Angeles run by Mara Cazers at the 6060 North Figueroa Street Highland Park location. Go eat some double decker tacos and draw with Mara or come eat some nachos with me and draw some superheroes.


Anonymous said...

Hey there, checking to see if you know of a Chicago Taco Bell Drawing Club. I can't find any recent information about it. Thanks!

Sordafresh said...

RIP Jason....from Wichita KS....will be drawing at the Taco Bell in Maryville MO today around 5 PM for you m8.