Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tomorrow's Taco Bell Drawing Club (Wednesday, December 16,2009) will be at the usual 14th Street Taco Bell, but will be a little earlier than the regular meetings. This meeting will take place between 1:45 and 3:00pm. I look forward to seeing you there!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

At last week's Taco Bell Drawing Club meeting I was asked to leave my table because of the incoming "dinner rush." I had been drawing at the table, after buying things (a taco and a chalupa and a drink), but for too long. This is the first time in A LOT of years I was asked to leave. I felt devastated that my loyal Taco Bell had let me down. I immediately tried to come up with a new location for Taco Bell Drawing Club. I would never be able to go back there. After two days, I wanted Taco Bell so bad, I went back. It tasted so good. I am glad we could work everything out.

This week's Taco Bell Drawing Club is taking place at Pizza Hut* on 14th Street just West of Union Square from 4-5:30pm.

*Pizza Hut and Taco Bell are in the same place.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I will not be at regular Wednesday Taco bell Drawing Club hours tomorrow, but I will be there Thursday, December 3, from 6-8! I hope to see you!

Taco Bell 14th Street just West of Union Square
New York