I am excited to announce that Taco Bell Drawing Club is five years old! We have grown from one member to over 150 laminated membership card holders, we have made exclusive apparel (a t-shirt), we have had meetings in over 25 states, we have made over 10 books, and we have drawn a lot of terrific pictures!
There will be special meetings over the next month all over the country. A meeting will take place this Thursday from 7:15pm on at the Taco Bell on 14th Street in Manhattan. The following week there will be meetings in San Francisco, Oakland, and Sacramento, and the week after that there will be meetings in the Los Angeles Area. There are also upcoming meetings in Michigan. If you have meetings planned near you let me know and I can put them on this blog.
Taco Bell Drawing Club
Taco Bell on 14th Street just West of Union Square
Thursday, April 8, 2010
From 7:15pm on
I hope everyone is good.
Special Events Coordinator
Taco Bell Drawing Club